Leo's Jewelry

A Journey of Craftsmanship and Creativity

From the young age of 14, Leo’s hands were already working wonders with precious gemstones in Brazil. Guided by his uncle’s skilled hands, he embarked on a journey as a jewelry setter. For 12 years, he honed his craft at a luxury jewelry store, a period during which his creative prowess truly began to blossom.

Amidst the glittering gems, Leo felt a desire to bring his visions to life. Yet, he encountered the challenge of finding artisans who could bring his unique designs to fruition. Undeterred, he carried this dream with him to the United States, where he continued his journey as a setter, honing his skills further.

After 8 years in the U.S., Leo found himself in Georgia, a place where he would plant the seeds of his legacy. Amidst thoughts of starting a Brazilian market, he stumbled upon an opportunity that would change his path forever. Discovering exquisite pieces at the right price, Leo realized he could shape these treasures into something truly special.

With his artistic instincts guiding him, Leo began to sketch and craft his jewelry pieces, infusing them with his heart and soul. He meticulously created two collections that were a true reflection of his vision. Slowly but surely, he turned his vision into reality, laying the foundation of his store.


Now, Leo stands proudly before a fully adorned storefront, a testament to years of hard work, dedication, and a burning passion for craftsmanship. Each piece he creates is a masterpiece, a testimony of his journey from a young setter to a visionary jeweler. Leo’s Jewelry isn’t just about stones and metals; it’s a story of dreams chased, challenges conquered, and a legacy built with love.

Step inside and witness the culmination of Leo’s journey. Every jewel holds within it the essence of his dedication and the beauty of his imagination. Leo’s Jewelry is more than a store – it’s a reflection of a remarkable journey and an invitation to be part of a timeless tale of creativity and passion.


Fulfill dreams by creating experiences that generate happiness and complete satisfaction for customers through jewelry.



To be recognized for high quality, exceptional service, and commitment, as well as punctuality in deliveries.